This section defines the six types of subdomains of the HR domain (further in
the text domain), registered according to the provisions of these Regulations.
HR-P domains - domains for virtual identity of legal persons;
HR-F domains - domains for virtual identity of natural persons;
HR-D domains - domains for virtual identity of private businesses of natural persons;
HR-T domains - domains for market demands and other additional demands of legal and natural persons;
HR-V domains - domains important for RH and the RH information space;
HR-I domains - domains for improvement of RH information space.
Article 7
The aim of HR-P domain is to create the virtual identity of a legal person
(defined in more detail in Article 21 of these Regulations), registered in the
Republic of Croatia. Virtual identity of a legal person, which is realised
through HR-P domain, has to be unambiguously related to the actual (physical)
identity and registered activity of the given legal person. HR-P domain is a
secondary domain within HR domain, i.e. domain at the level immediately below
the HR domain level. Legal person has the right to register one HR-P domain.
Article 8
The aim of HR-F domain is to create the virtual identity of a natural
person (defined in more detail in Article 22 of these Regulations). Virtual
identity of a natural person, accomplished through HR-F domain, must be
unambiguously related to the actual (physical) identity of the natural person,
and the domain is used to fulfil personal needs of the natural person.
HR-F domain is opened as a subdomain within the iz.hr domain. The domain of
the same name is automatically opened also within the secondary domains from.hr
and name.hr. The natural person, citizen of RH, has the right to register one
HR-F domain.
Article 9
The aim of HR-D domain is to create the virtual identity of a private activity
(defined in more detail in Article 23 of these Regulations), registered in RH,
performed by a natural person. Virtual identity of the private activity,
realised through HR-D domain, must be unambiguously related to the actual
(natural) identity and the registered private activity. HR-D domain is a
secondary domain within HR domain, i.e. the domain at the level immediately
below the HR domain level. Natural person performing the private activity from
Item 1 of this Article, has the right to register one HR-D domain.
Article 10
The aim of HR-T domain is to create and enable virtual space for market demands,
i.e. meeting the market and other additional demands of legal and natural
persons. HR-T domain is opened as a subdomain within the com.hr domain.
Domains related to trademarks, first of all the protected verbal signs,
registered or acknowledged in the Republic of Croatia by the State Bureau for
Intellectual Property, are registered as HR-T domains. Every legal or natural
person, having physical address (residence) in RH (according to Article 24 of
these Regulations) can register a limitless number of HR-T domains.
Article 11
HR-V domains are domains of special significance for RH and the RH information
space, i.e. domains which have or may have special place in the organisation of
the RH information space. The aim of HR-V domain is to provide high-quality
organisation and presentation of information in the respective field of domain
registration. In principle, these are the domains whose names equal or contain
a name or an abbreviated name: " of geographical facilities on the RH territory,
such as the names of counties, regions, areas and cities (e.g. Croatia, Slavonia,
Hvar, Vara~din etc.); " of certain fields of human activities, which have their
respective authorised managerial, professional or expert bodies at the
government level (e.g. culture, sport, economy, soccer, theatres, museums,
etc.); " of natural, historical, cultural, scientific or other intellectual
heritage, resources, advances, products or services, which characterise Croatia
internationally, and which have their respective authorised bodies or
organisations at the government level (e.g. glagoljica, mestrovic, tesla,
plitvice, kravata); " of long-term projects and programs of government and
national significance, initiated and led by government bodies (e.g. CROSNET,
of national and international events and happenings of special significance for RH
(e.g. sport competitions such as world or regional sports games or championships,
world exhibitions, symposia, congresses, etc.). HR-V domain is a secondary
domain within HR domain, i.e. domain at the level immediately below the HR
domain level.
Registration rules for HR-V domain, as well as the rights and responsibilities
related to the registration and use of the HR-V domain are defined in Articles
42 44 and 56 of these Regulations. The list of HR-V domains is published at
the address http://www.dns.hr/HR-V-domene/ according to the provisions of
Article 44 of these Regulations.
Article 12
The aim of HR-I domain is to improve the RH information space by allowing legal
and natural persons to create virtual identity for high-quality information
services in the respective field stated in the domain registration application.
The respective fields should be related to natural, economic, historical,
cultural, scientific or other intellectual or material wealth, resources, or
advances, and related to, of interest or significant for the Republic of
Croatia (RH). HR-I domain is a secondary domain within HR domain, i.e. domain
at the level immediately below the HR domain level. Registration rules for
HR-I domain, as well as the rights and responsibilities related to the
registration and use of the HR-I domain are defined in Articles 45-47,
and 57-60 of these Regulations. HR-I domains are subject to obligatory
re-registration according to the provisions of these Regulations every 2 years.
Individual legal person (according to Article 21 of these Regulations) or
natural person (according to Article 22 of these Regulations) a citizen of
the Republic of Croatia, can register two HR-I domains. The list of HR-I
domains is published at the address http://www.dns.hr/HR-I-domene/ according
to the provisions of Article 47 of these Regulations.