This section defines the common and specific rules related to the names of the
six types of domains, registered according to these Regulations.
Article 13
The full name of the domain (e.g. "ivan-horvat-zg.from.hr" or pliva.hr ),
registered according to these Regulations, consists of a specific part of the
name (further in the text domain name), selected by the domain registration
applicant (e.g. "ivan-horvat-zg" or pliva ) and the standard (fixed) part of
the name (e.g. ".from.hr" or .hr ). The domain name, regardless of its type,
represents a string of characters that have to fulfil the following technical
conditions: " it consists only of characters contained in the set of:
26 letters of the English alphabet (not distinguishing between small and
capital letters), digits "0"-"9" and character "-"; " it consists of minimum 3,
and maximum 65 characters; " the first and the last character in the string
cannot be "-"; " it cannot contain only digits. As an exception, the HR-T
domain name must fulfil the following (simplified) conditions: " it consists
only of characters contained in the set of: 26 letters of the English alphabet
(not distinguishing between small and capital letters), digits "0"-"9" and
character "-"; " it consists of minimum 2, and maximum 65 characters; " the
first and the last character in the string cannot be "-".
Article 14
The domain name must be in accordance with the existing positive legal
regulations, as well as with the general ethics rulings and moral principles,
i.e. it must not be offensive to the third parties. The domain name must not
provide the domain user with the possibility of falsely acquiring the identity
of a third party. The domain name should not equal the trademark, especially
the protected verbal sign, unless the applicant the domain user is the
trademark owner. In case of objection by the third party, or a dispute between
the third party and the domain user, caused by the domain misuses, described
in Items 1, 2 and 3 of this Article, CARNet, as HR domain administrator, is not
responsible towards the disputant parties, but rather instructs them to settle
the dispute according to the provisions of Article 72 of these Regulations.
Article 15
The HR-P domain name can be any string of characters that satisfies the
conditions contained in these Regulations. Considering the aim of HR-P domain
and the fact that legal person can obtain only one such domain, the recommendation
is to select the name that equals the company, i.e. the name, part of the company,
i.e. the name or abbreviated company, i.e. abbreviated name of the legal person
registering the domain. If the domain name does not equal the company, i.e. the
name or abbreviated name given in the document on the registration of the legal
person in the respective register, when requesting the domain registration, the
applicant has to explain the reasons because of which the specific domain name
is requested. The statement of reasons is an element of the public part of the
documentation related to the domain registration.
Article 16
The HR-F domain name consists of three obligatory elements:
(a) the surname of the natural person requesting registration (provided the
letters " ", " ", " ", "a" and "~" contained in the surname are replaced
by letters "c", "c", "dj" or "d", "s" and "z" respectively, in the domain name);
(b) the names of the natural person requesting registration (provided the
letters " ", " ", " ", "a" and "~" in the surname are replaced by the
letters "c", "c", "dj" or "d", "s" and "z" respectively, in the domain name);
(c) any string of characters allowed for use in the domain name.
The elements contained in the HR-F domain name can appear in random order,
and can, but need not be separated by the character - .
Article 17
The HR-D domain name consists of three obligatory elements:
(a) the name or abbreviated name of the registered activity or the name of
the natural person registered for the particular activity (provided the
letters " ", " ", " ", "a" and "~" in the surname are replaced by the
letters "c", "c", "dj" or "d", "s" and "z" respectively, in the domain name);
(b) the name of the type of activity, e.g. zlatar , "krojac" or odvjetnik
(or translation of these terms in another language);
(c) the designations of regions, cities, towns or areas where the activity is performed,
e.g. istra , "split", "maksimir" or os .
The elements in the HR-D domain name can appear in random order, and can,
but need not be separated by the character - .
Article 18
The HR-T domain name can be any string of characters that fulfils the
conditions contained in these Regulations.
Article 19
The HR-V domain name can be any string of characters that fulfils the
conditions contained in these Regulations.
Considering the purpose of HR-V domain, the HR-V domain name, as a rule,
consists of one or more words in the Croatian language or one of the world
The HR-I domain name can be any string of characters that
fulfil the conditions contained in these Regulations. Considering the purpose
of HR-I domain, the HR-I domain name, as a rule, consists of one or more words
in the Croatian language or one of the world languages.