This section defines the criteria which need to be fulfilled by the users of
certain types of domains.
Article 21
The HR-P domain user can be (that is, the application for registration of such
a domain may be submitted by) legal person registered in the Republic of
Croatia for performing legally allowed activity, as well as other legal
entities that according to the law or international contracts have the status
of a legal person in RH. Legal person from Item 1 of this Article must be
registered for activities performed on the RH territory, and proves the right
to a HR-P domain by entry into one of the unique (at government level) original
registers of the authorised government bodies (further in the text:
JD-registers), as well as international contracts signed between RH and the
legal person, on the basis of which the status of legal person in RH has been
achieved, and the right acquired to perform certain activities on the territory
of RH. The list of JD-registers in RH, the entry into which will be considered
as necessary and sufficient prerequisite for the right to use the HR-P domain,
and the procedure of proving to the HR-DNS registration service the entry into
the JD-register, is published at the address http://www.dns.hr/JD-registri/.
Article 22 The HR-F domain user can be (that is, the application for
registration of such a domain may be submitted by) any citizen of the Republic
of Croatia, unambiguously identified by his/her citizen identification number
(jedinstveni mati ni broj - JMBG), as well as a foreign person with approved
prolonged stay or approved permanent residence in the Republic of Croatia,
provided they are assigned the alien identification number (mati ni broj
stranca MBS).
Article 23
The HR-D domain user can be (that is, the application for registration of such
a domain may be submitted by) a natural person, performing private activity,
provided that this activity of the natural person is registered in one of the
original registers by the authorised bodies of local management or
self-government, that is, that a permit has been issued for performing these
activities by the authorised professional body (e.g. chamber) at the government
level, which issues work permits according to the valid legal regulations in RH.
The list of registers and professional bodies from Item 1 of this Article
(further in the text LS-registers) in the Republic of Croatia, the entry
into which will be considered as necessary and sufficient prerequisite for
the right to use the HR-D domain, and the procedure of proving to the HR-DNS
registration service the entry into the LS-register, is published at the
address http://www.dns.hr/LS-registri/.
Article 24
The HR-T domain user can be (that is, the application for registration of
such a domain may be submitted by) any legal or natural person, who has a
physical address (i.e. address of residence where official postal / mail
items can be received) in the Republic of Croatia.
Article 25
The HR-V domain user can be (that is, the application for registration of
such a domain may be submitted by): " government body or local authorities
responsible at the government level for the respective field for which the
domain has been registered;
society, professional association, if this concerns the society or association
for a concrete given field at the government level, which is proven by the
entry of the legal person in the respective JD-register (according to Article 21
of these Regulations) as the Croatian society or association, i.e. a society
or association in Croatia. A society or association from Item 1 Point 2 of
this Article can register a HR-V domain only if recommended by the authorised
government body. By special decision, the Croatian Government can additionally
regulate the rules of domain registration by government bodies or local
authorities or self-government.
Article 26
The HR-I domain user can be (that is, the application for registration of such a domain may be submitted by)
a legal person (according to Article 21 of these Regulations) registered in RH or
a natural person (according to Article 22 of these Regulations) a citizen of
the Republic of Croatia.