This section describes the principles and main procedures related to domains
Article 35
The right to use a certain domain is acquired by the procedure of domain
registration (further in the text registration), and becomes effective on the
day of official Decision from Article 37 of these Regulations. Domain
Registration Procedure
Article 36
The registration procedure starts by
submitting an application for domain registration (further in the text
application). The application is submitted on a form, with the necessary
obligatory and additional data and attachments, and in a way determined
separately for every type of domain by the HR-DNS service in the document
Procedure of Registering and Deleting Subdomains within the HR Domain.
Application cannot be submitted for an already registered domain, for a
domain being registered, nor for a domain which is contained in the list
of HR-V domains.
Article 37
The HR-DNS service analyses and makes decisions about the applications in
the order in which these had been received by the service. From the moment
an application has been received to the end of the registration procedure,
the domain, requested in the application, is reserved for the applicant.
The decision about the application is issued by the HR-DNS service. The HR-DNS
service discusses and makes decisions only when the applications are complete
(according to Item 1, Article 36 of these Regulations). For every received
complete application, the HR-DNS service will, within the shortest possible
period of time, and 10 working days at the latest, counting from the day the
complete application has been received, issue the Decision on the Registration
of the Domain within the Top-level hr Domain (further in the text Decision)
or Decision on Refusing Domain Registration (further in the text Decision of
Refusal). The Decision must contain: " type of domain; " name of domain; "
data about the domain user; " data about the domain duration, in case the
application mentions a limited duration. The Decision of Refusal must
contain: " type of domain; " name of the requested domain; " data about the
applicant; " statement of reasons of the decision; " legal recourse.
Article 38
The Decision is the only document that confirms the domain user
the status of a domain user, and his/her right to use the domain, registered
in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. Based on the Decision,
the HR-DNS service immediately enters the registered domain into the Register.
On the day the Decision is issued, the registration procedure is completed,
and the rights and responsibilities of the domain user come into force
according to the provisions of these Regulations.
Article 39
Domains are registered for an indefinite period of time. HR-I domains are
subjected to an obligatory periodical re-registration according to the
Article 59 of these Regulations. Appeals to the Decision on Refusing Domain
Article 40
The applicant may appeal to the Commission against
the Decision of Refusal made by the HR-DNS service. The appeal is submitted
in the written form and sent to the CARNet CEO specifying Attn. hr Domain
Commission , either through the CARNet registration office, or by registered
post. The appeal has to be submitted within 8 days from the day the Decision
has been delivered to the applicant. The Commission must issue a written
decision with statement of reasons within 30 days from the day the appeal has
been filed. The decision of the Commission is sent to the HR-DNS service and
the appellant, by registered post. The decisions issued by the Commission are
final and executory. After the expiration of the appeal from Item 3 of this
Article, i.e. on the day of issuing the Decision from Item 4 of this Article,
the domain registration procedure is completed.
Article 41
The applicant is responsible for the correctness of the data stated in the application and the
authenticity of the additional documentation delivered attached to the request.
If, at any later moment the data in the application are found to be incorrect
or that documentation, enclosed to the application is not authentic, the HR-DNS
service can revoke the Decision, and, if the domain had been activated,
deactivate it as a matter of urgency. Special Provisions regarding HR-V
Domain Registration Procedure
Article 42
When requesting a HR-V domain, the applicant has to specially explain (prove) his/her qualifications for
submitting such an application, i.e. present reasons and objectives of the
domain registration, provide a management plan (organisational, informational,
and scheduling) of the requested domain space and prove his/her competence for
the respective field for which the domain is registered. The application for
HR-V domain registration cannot be submitted, if the secondary domain of HR
domain of the same name is already registered. The applicant can proceed
according to the provisions of Article 72 of these Regulations.
Article 43
CARNet, as HR domain administrator authorised by IANA, and as public
institution founded by the Decree of the Croatian Government, can register
HR-V domains according to the provisions of these Regulations. CARNet applies
for HR-V domain registration according to the regular procedure defined by the
provisions of these Regulations:
(a) for general service provided by CARNet, as public, academic and
non-commercial institution to all the interested subjects in the Republic of
Croatia (e.g. for Croatian Internet eXcahnge or for
administration of the top-level hr domain),
(b) for permanent or temporary exclusion of some domains from the registration
process, based on the international practice of administering the national
top-level domain or internationally accepted minimal technical requirements
and standards of the Internet operation in a country.
Article 44
For the decisions related to the HR-V domain, the HR-DNS service has to request
prior consent by the Commission. Domains registered as HR-V domains must be
entered into the HR-V domains register, published at the address Each domain entered in the HR-V domains
register contains the domain name, the domain user, the application date, and
the statement of reasons or a summary of the statement of reasons submitted by
the domain user when applying for registration. Special Provisions regarding
HR-I Domain Registration Procedure
Article 45
When requesting a HR-I domain, the applicant needs to issue a special statement of reasons, i.e. proof of
his/her qualifications for submitting such a request, i.e. state the reasons
and objectives for registering the domain, provide a management plan
(organisational, informational, and scheduling) for the requested domain space
and prove his/her competence for the field of domain registration. Enclosed
with the application, the applicant should also submit the following:
(a) a recommendation issued by the authorised government body stating that
the applicant should be granted the request for the registration of the
requested domain; or
(b) proof that the applicant had submitted a written request to the authorised
government body asking for a recommendation and a statement that no answer has
been received from the respective body within 15 days from the day that request
was sent..
Article 46
On receipt of the complete application from the previous
Article, the HR-DNS service will make the data contained in the application
public, immediately or no later than 10 days from the day the application was
received, at the address:
If the HR-DNS service does not receive any other application requesting the
domain of the same name within 15 days from the day the data have been made
public, the HR-DNS service will make the decision regarding the application in
accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
In case another application is submitted, as mentioned in the previous Item,
the HR-DNS service will:
(a) refuse the request stated in Item 1, in case this other application is a
valid one for HR-P or HR-V domain;
(b) advise the applicants to settle their dispute by mutual agreement or by
arbitration, according to the provisions of Article 72 of these Regulations,
in other cases.
Article 47
Domains registered as HR-I domains must be entered into the HR-I domains
register, published at the address Each domain
entered in the HR-I domains register contains the domain name, the domain user,
the application date, and the statement of reasons or summary of the statement
of reasons submitted by the domain user when applying for registration. Special
Provisions for the Internet Services Providers
Article 48
A qualified applicant, proved undoubtedly by the document of registration
issued by the appropriate government register to be an Internet service
provider, i.e. that on the basis of his/her activities and by means of
resources owned by him/her a great number of other legal subjects realise
their activities through the Internet, will be granted registration of one
additional domain (HR-P domain, i.e. HR-D domain). The domain user can use the
additional domain exclusively for the needs of other legal subjects the users
his/he provides with the Internet services, and with the aim of separating
his/her virtual identity from the virtual identity of his/her users.