Article 84
In exchanging documents and data, and communicating with the users, the HR-DNS
service, when possible depending on the legal and technical assumptions, gives
priority to communication via computer network, and electronic forms of
documents and data.
Article 85
All the official information related to the management of HR domain are made
public at the address: URL: http://www.dns.hr/ The domain dns.hr is also used
as a directory for other forms of electronic communication with the domain
users, registered according to the provisions of these Regulations, as well as
for communication with the third parties regarding issues about the HR domain.
For reasons of international compatibility and identity of the HR domain
management system, as the Croatian national domain, identical official
information is available at addresses www.nic.hr and www.domainregistry.hr.
Article 86
The Board and the HR-DNS service have to follow the situation and tendencies
in the world related to the organisation and management of the domain space,
especially regarding the activities and decisions made by ICANN, and
considering this knowledge as well as the situation and the needs in the
Republic of Croatia, has to propose necessary modifications and permanently
provide professional and efficient management of the HR domain.
Article 87
These Regulations become effective on 1 February 2001.
Article 88
On the day these Regulations become effective, the Regulations on the
registration of secondary domains within the top-level hr domain of 15
July 1998 cease to be valid. All the Decisions on granting secondary domains
within the top-level hr domain, issued before the date when these Regulations
become effective, continue to be valid and have the same force as decisions
issued in compliance with these Regulations. All the domains registered by
the HR-DNS service before these Regulations become effective, remain registered,
regardless of the possible non-compliance with the provisions of these
Regulations. The users of such domains have to submit to the HR-DNS service
within a year from the day these Regulations become effective, the documentation
that the HR-DNS service may request in order to update the documentation with
the provisions of these Regulations. The users of domains registered before
the day these Regulations become effective can, if they want to, request in a
written form, and no later than one year from the day these Regulations become
effective, the change of name of their domain for compliance with these
Regulations. The registration of domains with new names will be made within 6
months from the date of request for changing the domain name.
Possible disputes related to domains registered before the day these
Regulations become effective, are settled in accordance with the Article 72 of
these Regulations.
Article 89
The Board and the HR-DNS service manager will be appointed according to the
provisions in Articles 27 and 30 of these Regulations on the day these
Regulations become effective. The documents from Article 34 of these
Regulations have to be produced within 30 days from the day these Regulations
become effective. If due to the non-existence of documents from Article 34 of
these Regulations it is not possible to carry out the procedures in compliance
with these Regulations, these procedures will be postponed until the day the
necessary documents are produced.
Article 90
The Board will, within a period of 6 months from the day these Regulations
become effective, provide and initially publish the list of HR-V domains from
Article 44 of these Regulations. During the mentioned period, the board will
inform through various activities the government and local authorities about
the concepts and principles of managing HR domain, as well as with the
intentions and provisions of these Regulations, and invite them to realise
their rights related to HR-V domains resulting from these Regulations. Until
the expiration of the period mentioned in Item 1 of this Article, the HR-DNS
service and the Board may refuse registration of certain HR-P domains and HR-D
domains, stating that these are the domains that can be registered in the list
from Article 44 of these Regulations.
Article 91
Registration of HR-I domains according to the provisions of these Regulations
will start 6 months from the day these Regulations become effective.
Article 92
The Board will, within a period of 6 months from the day these Regulations
become effective, provide and initially publish the list of members of the
Arbitration tribunal from Article 73 of these Regulations. Until the list of
Arbitration tribunal members is published it is not possible to submit
arbitration requests nor start arbitration procedure.
Article 93
The HR-DNS service will within a period of 12 months from the day these
Regulations become effective propose technical mechanism for management
distribution of certain types of domains, thus allowing transfer of certain
rights from these Regulations, especially registration procedures and changed
related to the registered domains to other legal entities. The Board will
within a period of 12 months from the day these Regulations become effective
propose the procedure and criteria for including other legal subjects in the
distributed management of certain types of domains. Legal subjects from Item 2
of this Article will be allowed to join the distributed system of managing
domains as follows:
(a) for HR-T domains, no later than 15 months from the day these Regulations
become effective;
(b) for HR-F domains, no later than 24 months from the day these Regulations
become effective;
(c) for HR-P domains, HR-D and HR-I domains, no later than 36 months from the
day these Regulations become effective.
Article 94
In the case of dispute between the domain users, applicants and the third
parties and CARNet, as HR domain administrator, the parties will try to settle
the dispute by agreement, and if this proves impossible, then the Court in
Zagreb is competent.
Article 95
The Regulations regarding Organisation of the Top-Level "hr" Internet Domain
and the Management of the Top-Level "hr" Domain are issued by the CARNet Board
of Governors appointed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, performing
the rights pertaining to the Republic of Croatia, as the founder of the
Croatian Academic and Research Network, CARNet.
Article 96
Any changes and modifications of the Regulations regarding Organisation of the
Top-level "hr" Internet Domain and the Principles of Managing the Top-level
"hr" Domain are issued by the CARNet Board of Governors in a written form.
Class: 104-000/00-11/1
Reg.No.: 650-01-00-1
President of the CARNet Board of Governors
Prof. Slavko Krajcar PhD