1.1. The present Policy of the COM.UA domain is worked out in compliance with Cl. 1.13 of the Policy of the .UA domain, which took effect on September 15, 2001.
1.2. The terms and definitions used in the text of the present Policy of the COM.UA domain shall be given the meaning and interpretation set forth in the Policy of the .UA domain, except as otherwise provided.
1.3. The COM.UA domain is a public domain of the second level вХ---В--Р--В-Ь- a constituent part of the .UA domain.
1.4. The delegation of domain names in the COM.UA domain is conducted pursuant to Article 2 of the Policy of the .UA domain.
1.5. Administration features of the COM. UA domain are provided for by Article 2 of the present Policy of the COM.UA domain.
1.6. Information concerning the delegation and administration of domain names in the COM.UA domain is stored in the .UA domain register database, in the format and subject to the rules provided for by Article 4 of the Policy of the .UA domain.
1.7. The checking of service availability of a domain name in the COM.UA domain is conducted pursuant to Article 5 of the Policy of the .UA domain.
1.8. The recommended essential conditions of the contract between the registrant of a domain name in the COM.UA domain and the registrar are set forth in Article 6 of the Policy of the .UA domain.
1.9. The recommended essential conditions of the contract between the registrar and the COM.UA domain administrator are set forth in Article 7 of the Policy of the .UA domain.
1.10. Resolution of domain disputes, which may arise in connection with the present Policy of the COM.UA domain and its application, is carried out pursuant to Article 9 of the Policy of the .UA domain.
2.1. The COM.UA domain is delegated in the interests of a user community that was not determined beforehand. Therefore the public domain COM.UA is simultaneously a generic domain.
2.2. The period of processing of the request for delegation of a domain name in the COM.UA domain, together with the checking of service availability of a corresponding domain name, shall not exceed 5 (five) business days. Within the aforesaid period the COM.UA domain administrator, pursuant to Cl. 2.15.8 of the Policy of the .UA domain, is obliged to notify the administrative and technical contacts of the corresponding registrar via e-mail about the course and result of processing of the request.
2.3. Requests for delegation of domain names in the COM.UA domain are processed in order of their receipt to the input queue of the .UA domain register database, pursuant to Cl.
2.4 of the Policy of the .UA domain. The simultaneity period for requests for delegation of domain names in the COM.UA domain is not established.
3.1. The present Policy of the COM.UA domain shall come into effect on November 4, 2001, at 0:00 a.m. From the moment the present Policy of the COM.UA domain takes effect, the following documents shall become invalid:
3.1.1. "The temporary rules for administration of the COM.UA domain" of February 20, May 20, 2001;
3.1.2. "The rules for administration of the COM. UA domain" of October 5, 2000.
3.2. The information about domain names of the third level in the COM. UA domain, which were delegated until 23:59 p.m. of November 3, 2001 inclusively (hereinafter - "existing domain names"), is incorporated into the UA domain register database with the status: FROZEN- OK- UNTIL 20021103235959 (see Cl. 4.19.8 of the Policy of the .UA domain). It means that:
3.2.1. The delegation of new domain names in the COM. UA domain from 0:00 a.m. of November 4, 2001 is carried out pursuant to the present Policy of the COM.UA domain, i.e. exclusively through registrars.
3.2.2. The existing domain names operate till 23:59 p.m. of November 3, 2002, according to Cl. 3.2 of the present Policy of the COM. UA domain. Nevertheless, any changes to the record about the existing domain name can be made only after the registrant of a corresponding domain name concludes a contract with the registrar pursuant to Cl. 1.8 of the present Policy of the COM.UA domain.
3.2.3. If the registrant of an existing domain name does not conclude a corresponding contract with the registrar concerning such domain name till 23:59 p.m. of November 3, 2002, in this case the administrator of the COM. UA domain is obliged to cancel the delegation of the said domain name after 0:00 a.m. of November 4, 2002, acting in compliance with the procedure set forth in Cl. 3.3 of the present Policy.
3.3. Within the period from November 4, 2001 till November 4, 2002 the administrator of the COM.UA domain is obliged:
3.3.1. To notify the registrant of the existing domain name, who has not concluded the contract with the registrar, about the necessity to conclude such contract and about a possible cancellation of the delegation to him of a domain name by way of e-mail sent to the addresses of:
- all the administrative and contact persons specified in the registration record about such domain name;
- the person, from which the most recent request for making changes to the registration information about this domain name was received;
- postmaster@domain-name;
- the person specified in the SOA record about the domain name (if the SOA record is available);
- other persons, which in the opinion of the administrator of the COM.UA domain may possess information about the location of the registrant of such domain name or about his actual electronic address.
3.3.2. To send such notification pursuant to Cl. 3.3.1 of the present Policy at least once within two calendar months, starting with January 2002. The last notification shall be sent within the period from November 1 till November 4, 2002 inclusively.
3.3.3. During September and October 2002 to notify the registrants of existing domain names, who have not concluded contracts with the registrars, about the necessity to conclude such contracts and about a possible cancellation of delegation of such domain names, through the Ukrainian mass media
3.3.4. To cancel the delegation of a domain name not earlier than after 10 (ten) days, and not later than after 30 (thirty) days after communication of the last message to the registrant via e-mail pursuant to Cl. 3.3.1 of the present Policy.
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